idYearLocal IDSourceFilenameArtworkImage URL - Display ResTitleTypeMediumDimensionsCollectionExhibited
11971212website1971-A-Family-Watching-TV.jpg Family Watching TVDrawingBallpoint pen on paper24 x 33Artist's collection
21972213website1972-The-Falling-Bridge.jpg Falling BridgePaintingOil on canvas64 x 59Artist's collection
31973214website1973-Nude-With-Self-Portrait.jpg With Self-PortraitPaintingOil on canvas72 x 72Collection Ms. M. Daou
41974215website1974-A-Posted-Letter.jpg Posted LetterPaintingOil on canvas100 x 100Collection Ms. M. Daou
51974216website1974-Beirut-Vegetable-Market-Souk-el-Franj.jpg Vegetable Market (Souk el Franj)PaintingOil on canvas133 x 161Collection Ms. M. Daou
61975217website1975-White.jpg and pencil on paper mounted on plywood panel120 x 86Artist's collection
71975218website1975-House.jpg on canvas60 x 75Private collection
81975219website1975-A-Couple-or-Homage-to-Arshile-Gorky.jpg Couple, or Homage to Arshile GorkyPaintingOil and charcoal on canvas148 x 70Artist's collection
91975220website1975-Landscape.jpg on canvas68 x 73Collection Ms. M. Daou
101976221website1976-Struggle-for-Civilizing-More-Human-Societies.jpg for Civilizing More Human SocietiesPaintingGouache and china ink on paper70 x 50Artist's collection
111976222website1976-Feminine-Transitional-Attempts.jpg Transitional AttemptsPaintingGouache and china ink on paper58 x 48
121977223website1977-Liberty.jpg, pencil and china ink on paper62 x 47Artist's collection
131978224website1978-The-Real-Cause-to-Run.jpg Real Cause to RunPaintingGouache and collage on paper63 x 48Artist's collection
141978225website1978-Les-Trois-Etapes-de-LAmour.jpg Trois Etapes de L'AmourPaintingGouache, transfer and collage on paper63 x 47Artist's collection
151978226website1978-Soul-and-Body.jpg and BodyPaintingMixed media and collage on paper70 x 50Artist's collection
161978227website1978-Negative.jpg and transfer on paper62 x 48Artist's collection
171978228website1978-Tune.jpg and china ink on paper70 x 50Artist's collection
181978229website1978-Matrimony-and-Maternity.jpg and MaternityPaintingGouache and ink on paper61 x 47Collection Mr. & Mrs. T. Tohme
191978230website1978-Ode-to-Rubens.jpg to RubensPaintingGouache, ink and pencil on paper70 x 50
201978231website1978-Le-Bras.jpg BrasPaintingGouache, pencil and china ink on paper62 x 47.5Artist's collection
211980232website1980-The-Dream-of-Wartime.jpg Dream of WartimePrintSilkscreen and etching47.5 x 72
221980233website1980-Berytus.jpg x 53
231981234website1981-Feelings-to-People-and-Places.jpg to People and PlacesPrintSerigraphy73 x 53
241981235website1981-The-Little-Girls-Wish.jpg Little Girl's WishPrintEtching31 x 29.5
251981236website1981-Relatively-Unknown.jpg UnknownPrintSilkscreen81 x 58
261981237website1981-Education-and-Loving.jpg and LovingPrintEtching and lithography61 x 43
271981238website1981-The-Play.jpg PlayPrintEtching and silkscreen59.5 x 44.5
281982239website1982-Her-Near-Past.jpg Near PastPaintingOil on canvas100 x 72
291982240website1982-A-Haunting-Experience.jpg Haunting ExperiencePrintEtching and gum printing45 x 41
301983241website1983-Friends.jpg media and transfer on paper78 x 63Collection Mr. & Mrs. S. Chatila
311983242website1983-Images.jpg and collage50 x 41
321983243website1983-The-April-The-Lilies-Died-.jpg April The Lilies DiedPrintEtching, relief and stencil68 x 49
331984244website1984-The-Cruising.jpg CruisingPrintEtching and silkscreen62 x 42.5
341985245website1985-Blue-in-Between.jpg in BetweenPaintingMixed media and gum printing on paper64 x 94Private collection
351985246website1985-Memories.jpg media and gum printing on paper49 x 63.5Collection Ms. F. Oueida
361986247website1986-The-Gentle-Touch.jpg Gentle TouchPrintLithography60 x 43
371987248website1987-Altered-Realities-and-Their-Hero.jpg Realities and Their HeroPaintingMixed media and transfer on paper51 x 70Private collection
381987249website1987-Le-Quartier.jpg QuartierPaintingMixed media and transfer on paper64 x 55Private collection
391987250website1987-The-Lady-Who-Descended-The-Staircase.jpg Lady Who Descended The StaircasePaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel18.5 x 18.5 x 3
401988251website1988-The-Training-of-St.-Michele.jpg Training of St. MichelePaintingMixed media on paper42 x 36 | 66 x 38 | 42 x 36Collection Ms. A. HaidarExhibited at the Sursock Museum Salon d’Automne, Beirut, 1988–1989
411988252website1988-The-Whisperer.jpg WhispererPaintingMixed media and transfer on paper mounted on masonite panel54.5 x 64Private collection
421988253website1988-May-God-Preserve-My-Daughter.jpg God Preserve My DaughterPaintingMixed media and transfer on paper95.5 x 65Private collection
431988254website1988-Water-of-Love.jpg of LovePaintingMixed media and transfer on paper65 x 88Collection Mr. & Mrs. H. Saghieh
441989255website1988-Why-An-Apple-Not-A-Pearl.jpg An Apple Not A PearlPaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard78 x 63 x 4Collection Ms. R. Shhayel
451989256website1989-Beirut-Revisited.jpg RevisitedPrintLithography62.5 x 41.5
461989257website1989-Ecstasy.jpg media and assemblage on cardboard83 x 112 x 6
471989258website1989-TV.jpg media and assemblage on plywood panel82 x 72 x 5
481989259website1989-Moroccan-Fishes.jpg FishesPaintingMixed media and transfer on paper67 x 48.5Private collection
491990260website1990-The-Conference-of-The-Fish.jpg Conference of The FishPaintingOil, mixed media and assemblage on canvas and wooden panel114 x 140 x 4Artist's collection
501990261website1990-Aqua.jpg and hot press foil60 x 42
511990262website1990-With-Pleasure_.jpg PleasurePaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard37 x 37 x 1Private collection
521990263website1990-The-Sower.jpg SowerPaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard30 x 25 x 1Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Assi
531990264website1990-The-Water-Carrier.jpg Water CarrierPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel121 x 91 x 5Collection Ms. N. Sakkaf
541991265website1991-When-God-Created-Hunger.jpg God Created HungerPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel125 x 125 x 6
551991266website1991-The-Will-of-God-reworked-1991.jpg Will of God, reworked 1991PaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel66 x 134 x 4Collection Ms. N. Takla
561991267website1991-The-Offerings-reworked-in-1991.jpg Offerings, reworked 1991PaintingMixed media, transfer and assemblage on paper mounted on cardboard66.5 x 90 x 1Private collection
571991268website1991-A-Colorful-Social-Issue.jpg Colorful Social IssuePaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard67 x 96 x 2Private collection
581991269website1991-Personal-Effects.jpg EffectsPaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard100 x 87 x 2.5Private collection
591992270website1992-The-Charm.jpg CharmPrintLithography61 x 42
601993271website1993-Dolls-At-Play.jpg At PlayPrintLithography58 x 43
611993272website1993-A-Spiritual-Touch.jpg Spiritual TouchPrintLithography62 x 41.5
621993273website1993-Opus.jpg media and assemblage on cardboard55 x 46 x 2Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Salam
631993274website1993-The-House-of-The-Rising-Sun.jpg House of The Rising SunPaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard55.5 x 46 x 2
641993275website1993-The-Mechanical-Butterfly.jpg Mechanical ButterflyPaintingMixed media, photography and assemblage on cardboard21 x 20 x 2.5Collection Ms. N. Takla
651993276website1993-Private-Property.jpg PropertyPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel120 x 120 x 3Collection Dr. & Mrs. I. Shehade
661993277website1993-The-Return-of-The-Prodigal-Daughter_.jpg Return of The Prodigal DaughterPaintingOil, mixed media and assemblage on plywood panel125 x 125 x 1Artist's collection
671994278website1994-Art-This-Is-Not-A-Portrait.jpg, This Is Not A PortraitPaintingOil and mixed media on canvas100 x 100Collection Ms. N. Halawi
681994279website1994-The-Peacock-Feather.jpg Peacock FeatherPaintingMixed media and assemblage on cardboard60 x 79 x 1Private collection
691994280website1994-The-Nature-of-Temptation.jpg Nature of TemptationPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel140 x 110 x 1Collection Mr. & Mrs. W. Baydoun
701994281website1994-Medusa.jpg media and assemblage on plywood panel140 x 110 x 2Collection TIMOTCA (The International Museum of Twentieth Century Art)
711995282website1995-Ode-to-Marcel-Duchamp.jpg to Marcel DuchampPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel120 x 102 x 2
721995283website1995-Husband-and-Wife.jpg and WifePaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel120 x 101 x 1
731995284website1995-Iceberg.jpg media and assemblage on plywood panel44 x 51
741996285website1996-The-Lover-Whispers.jpg Lover WhispersPrintLithography59 x 43
751996286website1996-Body-and-Soul.jpg and SoulPrintLithography and hot press foil60 x 43
761996287website1996-The-Horizon-of-Sheba.jpg Horizon of ShebaPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel57 x 81Collection Mr. & Mrs. R. Joreige
771997288website1997-The-Artist-and-Self-Portrait.jpg Artist and Self-PortraitPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel30 x 30 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. H. Bsat
781997289website1997-Victory-Girl.jpg GirlPaintingOil, mixed media and assemblage on plywood panel74 x 74 x 2Collection Ms. N. Halawi
791998290website1998-Ballet-Dance-Mechanism.jpg Dance MechanismPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel57 x 60 x 4Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Assi
801999291website1996-The-Festival.jpg FestivalPrintLithography46 x 66
812000292website2000-The-Baby-Sitter.jpg Baby SitterPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel66 x 77.5 x 3Collection Sharjah Museum of Contemporary Arab Art
822000293website2000-The-Institution.jpg InstitutionPrintLithography and silkscreen60 x 74
832000294website2000-Delphic-Sibyl-At-Work.jpg Sibyl At WorkPaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel57 x 57 x 5Private collection
842000295website2000-The-Finale.jpg FinalePaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel49 x 49 x 3Artist's collection
852000296website2000-The-Third-World-Utopia.jpg Third World UtopiaPaintingOil, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel60 x 60 x 7Collection Mr. & Mrs. R. Audi
862000297website2000-Helen-of-Troy-or-Homage-to-Peter-Blake.jpg of Troy, or Homage to Peter BlakePaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel64 x 69 x 4Collection Mr. & Mrs. R. Oweiss
872000298website2000-The-Amusement-Park.jpg Amusement ParkPaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel89 x 84 x 5Collection Mr. & Mrs. G. Baalbaki
882001299website2001-The-Birth-of-the-Queen-Bee.jpg Birth of The Queen BeePrintLithography, relief and silkscreen20 x 16
892002300website2002-The-Lonely-Papyrus-Islet.jpg Lonely Papyrus IsletPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel60 x 50 x 4.5
902002301website2002-Narcissism-Being-Misinterpreted-By-Marsu.jpg Being Misinterpreted By MarsuPaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel68 x 79 x 3
912002302website2002-Once-Upon-a-Time-in-the-East.jpg Upon A Time in The EastPrintLithography21.5 x 34
922002303website2002-The-Outflux.jpg OutfluxPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel80 x 80 x 5
932002304website2002-Trance-or-Homage-to-William-Coldstream.jpg, or Homage to William ColdstreamPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel100 x 100 x 4.5
942003305website2003-Genetically-Modified-Plantation-2.jpg Modified PlantationPaintingEncaustic, oil and assemblage on plywood panel79 x 89 x 3
952003306website2003-Limits.jpg and silkscreen23.5 x 27.5
962003307website2003-Support.jpg, oil and assemblage on plywood panel88 x 98 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. O. Hamza
972004308website2004-Urban-Debris.jpg DebrisPaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel60 x 50 x 3
982005309website2005-Reading-Your-Mind.jpg Your MindPrintSilkscreen and Lithography60.5 x 91.5
992004310website2004-Over-sensitivity.jpg SensitivityPaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel87 x 97
1002005311website2005-Reading-Beirut.jpg BeirutPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel94 x 124
1012005312website2005-LAménagement-2.jpgénagement-2-150x133.jpgénagement-2.jpgL'AménagementPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel79 x 90
1022005313website2005-The-Proud-Parents-2.jpg Proud ParentsPaintingMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel36 x 29
1032005314website2005-Cyber-Fiber-2.jpg FiberPaintingMixed media and Assemblage83 x 79
1042006315website2006-The-Rescue-Team.jpg Rescue TeamPaintingOil, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel49 x 53
1052006316website2006-Leila-and-the-Wolf.jpg and the WolfPaintingOil, Acrylic Encaustic and Assemblage on plywood panel53 x 48
1062006317website2006-La-plombiere-ecologique.jpg plombière écologiquePaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Serigraphy and Assemblage on Aluminium and plywood panel76 x 69
1072007318website2007-The-virtuous-City.jpg virtuous CityPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel78 x 83
1082007319website2007-The-Art-of-Cloning.jpg Art of CloningPaintingOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel88 x 88
1092007320website2007-Dances-with-wolves.jpg with WolvesPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel78 x 88
1102007321website2007-Josephs-Bloody.jpg's Bloody Shirt Brought to Hitomi by MistakePaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel78 x 88
1112007322website2007-Sit-Down-Please.jpg Down Please!InstallationSix panels (Serigraphy, Collage and China Ink on Paper), DVD Film and a chair
1122008323website2008-Fragments-dun-Discours-Amoureux.jpg d'un Discours AmoureuxPaintingOil, Acrylic, Mixed media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel108.5 x 99 x 6
1132008324website2008-The-Saga-of-a-seated-Model.jpg Saga of a Seated ModelPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel110 x 100 x 3
1142008325website2008-Leda-et-loiseau.jpg et L'oiseau qui n'existe pasPaintingOil, Acrylic, Beeswax, collage of pigment Giclée print, Transfer, mixed media and assemblage on plywood panel99 x 108 x 6
1152009326website2009-Reflection.jpg, Acrylic, Encaustic, Etching, Giclée print, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel72 x 68 x 5.5
1162009327website2009-Revisiting-Las-Meninas.jpg Las MeninasPaintingOil, Acrylic, Mixed media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel99 x 99 x 4
1172009328website2009-A-Flow-Of-Goodness-into-the-City.jpg Flow of Goodness into the CityPaintingOil, Acrylic, Giclée print and Assemblage on Plywood Panel90 x 90 x 3.5
1182009329website2009-Destin-dune-Marionnette.jpg d'une MarionnettePaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel109 x 99 x 4
1192010330website2010-Bare-Necessity.jpg NecessityPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel84.5 x 90 x 3
1202010331website2010-The-Lightness-of-Being.jpg Lightness of BeingPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel41 x 57 x 6
1212010332website2010-Where-You-Live.jpg You LivePaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel99 x 99 x 6
1222010333website2010-One-Flew-Over-the-Cuckoos-Nest.jpg Flew Over the Cuckoo's NestPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel99 x 99 x 6
1232010334website2010-Inclinations.jpg, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel109 x 99 x 6.5
1242011335website2011-Linkage.jpg, Acrylic, Encaustic, Enamel paint, Transfer, Balsa wood, Aluminum and Silver Leaf on canvas150 x 170
1252011336website2011-A-La-Recherche-du-Temps-Perdu.jpg la Recherche du Temps PerduPaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel100 x 110 x 5
1262011337website2011-Poison-Wants-the-Downfall-of-the-Regime.jpg Wants the Downfall of the RegimePaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Masonite Panel120 x 150 x 8
1272011338website2011-Till-Death-Do-Us-Unite.jpg Death Do Us UnitePaintingOil, Acrylic, Digital Print, Aluminum170 x 150
1282012339website2012-A-Howdah-on-Trojan-Horse.jpg Howdah on Trojan HorsePaintingOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Digital Print, Aluminum, Copper, Balsa Wood, Salix Branches, Plastic Figurine and Papyrus Paper on Plywood Panel67 x 72 x 5
1292012340website2012-The-Dove-and-the-Crow.jpg Dove and the CrowPaintingOil, Acrylic, Aluminum, Wood and plastic figurines on plywood panel135 x 120 x 2
1302012341website2012-The-Silent-Minority.jpg Silent MinorityPaintingOil, Acrylic, Digital Print, Aluminum, Copper, Wood and Plastic Figurines on Plywood Panel120 x 130 x 4
1312012342website2012-The-Loud-Majoraty.jpg Loud MajorityPaintingOil, Acrylic, Aluminum, Copper, Wood, Salix Branches, Twine and Plastic Figurines on Plywood Panel120 x 130 x 4
1322013343website2013-Thirty-Years.jpg YearsPaintingAcrylic, Digital Print, Aluminum, Copper and Photographs on Plywood Panel143 x 185 x 2.5
1332013344website2013-Freeing-Angelica.jpg AngelicaSculptureWood, Plywood, Aluminum pipes, Copper, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, Silver plated copper, Acrylic Paint and Ready-made plastic Figurines83 x 50 x 27
1342013345website2013-Circe.jpg, Plywood, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, Acrylic Paint, Copper cast Silver Plated Statuette and Ready Made Resin and Plastic Figurines60 x 53 x 31
1352013346website2013-The-Guardian.jpg GuardianSculptureWood, Plywood, Cast Aluminum and Aluminum pipes, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, copper, Silver plated copper, Encaustic, Acrylic Paint and Ready-made Resin Figurine53 x 38 x 28
1362013347website2013-Forest-maid.jpg, Plywood, Cast Aluminum and Aluminum Sheets, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, Silver plated copper, Acrylic Paint and Ready-made Resin Figurine36 x 41 x 38
1372013348website2013-A-Rider-on-the-Storm.jpg Rider on the StormSculptureWood, Plywood, Aluminum, Copper, Salix Branches, Acrylic paint, And Ready Made Resin Figurine66 x 53 x 15
1382013349website2013-Entangled.jpg, Plywood, Aluminum, Copper, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, Silver plated copper, Acrylic Paint and Ready Made Resin Figurine37 x 41 x 32
1392014350website2014-Phased.jpg and Acrylic on Plywood Panel134 x 119
1402013472website2013-A-flying-swimming-pool.jpg Flying Swimming PoolSculptureWood, Plywood, Aluminum, Stainless Steel, Silver plated copper, Plexiglas, Salix Branches, twine, Acrylic Paint and Ready Made Resin Figurine.43 x 70 x 30
1412013475website2013-THE-SPELL.jpg SpellSculptureWood, Plywood, Aluminum pipes, Copper, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, Silver plated copper, Acrylic Paint and Ready-made plastic Figurines.44 x 62 x 54
1422013477website2013-The-Sleeper.jpg SleeperSculptureWood, Plywood, Aluminum pipes, Stainless Steel, Salix Branches, Silver plated copper, Carborundum, Acrylic Paint and Ready-made plastic Figurine.31 x 41 x 30
1432014479website2014-The-Savior.jpg SaviorPaintingOil and acrylic on canvas150 x 140
1442015481website2015-Apotheosis-of-Woman.jpg of WomanPaintingOil, acrylic and graphite on canvas150 x 160
1452014483website2014-CIRCES-ASSISTANT.jpg's AssistantPaintingOil and acrylic on canvas140 x 150
1462014485website2015-Variations-around-the-Theme-of-Survival.jpg Around the Theme of SurvivalPaintingOil and Acrylic on Plywood Panel133 x 106
1472015487website2015-Dear-Art-Lover.jpg Art Lover...PaintingOil and acrylic on canvas140 x 150
1482015489website2016-Levitation_.jpg and Acrylic on Plywood Panel113 x 120
1492016491website2016-Aces.jpg ArtGiclée print on archival paper flush mounted to aluminum, Photograph and hot press foil on wood-free cardboard mounted to foam board130 x 100
1502009aw-1Apotheosis of Woman150-The-Saga-of-a-Reclining-Model.jpgThe Saga of a Reclining ModelOil, Acrylic, Mixed media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel94 x 89 x 3
1511967bk-10The Art of Rawas17CRAWAScd.tif Study From A Clay StatueCharcoal on paper48 x 33Artist’s collection
1521985bk-100The Art of Rawas103RAWAS.tif PlatformGum printing and mixed media on paper65 x 94Private collection
1531984bk-101The Art of Rawas102-1RAWAS.tif and transfer on canvas79 x 79Collection Mr. & Mrs. A.Gaspard
1541984bk-102The Art of Rawas102-2RAWAS.tif Garden Of EdenEtching14.5 x 12
1551985bk-104The Art of Rawas104RAWAS.tif media and transfer on paper55 x 66Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Atwi
1561985bk-105The Art of Rawas107RAWAS.tif Piano PlayerMixed media and transfer on paper32.5 x 44.5Collection Mr. M. Mekdashi
1571985bk-106The Art of Rawas106RAWAS.tif media and transfer on paper44.5 x 52Collection Mr. & Mrs. O.Makki
1581987bk-107The Art of Rawas109RAWAS.tif SwingMixed media and transfer on paper45 x 30Collection Sursock Museum, Beirut
1591986bk-108The Art of Rawas108RAWAS.tif And TempestMixed media and transfer on paper68.5 x 53.5Collection Mr. & Mrs. R.SaidiExhibited at:– Sursock Museum Salon d’Automne, Beirut, 1986– “Lebanon – The Artist’s View: 200 Years of Lebanese Painting”, Concourse Gallery, Barbican Center, London, 1989– “Liban – Le regard des peintres: 200 ans de peinture libanaise”, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, 1990
1601987bk-109The Art of Rawas111RAWAS.tif Still Age Of MimosaMixed media and transfer on paper47 x 68Private Collection
1611971bk-11The Art of Rawas17ARAWAScd.tif Study From A Clay Statue (By The Artist)Charcoal on paper35 x 26Artist’s collection
1621988bk-113The Art of Rawas114RAWAS.tif Wedding And All That JazzMixed media and assemblage on cardboard48 x 41 x 4Private collectionExhibited at the Sursock Museum Salon d’Automne, Beirut, 1988–1989
1631988bk-115The Art of Rawas119RAWAS.tif JardinMixed media, gum printing and transfer on paper34 x 38Private collection
1641988bk-118The Art of Rawas120RAWAS.tif Four Steel Balls Entered The Residence Of Mrs. SMixed media, gum printing and transfer on paper66.5 x 97Collection Mr. & Mrs. C. Saidi
1651989bk-119The Art of Rawas122RAWAS.tif media and assemblage on cardboard30 x 23 x 4Collection Mr. & Mrs. S. Aivaliotis
1661967bk-12The Art of Rawas17BRAWAScd.tif Study From A Clay StatueCharcoal on paper35 x 24Artist’s collection
1671989bk-120The Art of Rawas123RAWAS.tif LanguagesMixed media and assemblage on cardboard56 x 38 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Assi
1681994bk-122The Art of Rawas124RAWAS.tif PassionMixed media and assemblage on cardboard59.5 x 73.5 x 2Collection Mr.& Mrs. J. Mansour
1691989bk-124The Art of Rawas126RAWAS.tif media and assemblage on cardboard53 x 82 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. B.Rifaii
1701989bk-125The Art of Rawas129%20RAWAS.tif Prize WinnerLithography60.5 x 43Exhibited at the Norwegian International Print Biennale 1989 (Honorable Mention)
1711990bk-129The Art of Rawas133RAWAS.tif media and assemblage on cardboard32.5 x 30 x 4Collection Mr. & Mrs. D. Azzawi
1721971bk-13The Art of Rawas16RAWAScd.tif Study From A Clay StatueCharcoal on paper35 x 26Artist’s collection
1731991bk-133The Art of Rawas137RAWAS.tif WolfMixed media and assemblage on cardboard50 x 39 x 3Collection Ms. N. Sakkaf
1741991bk-134The Art of Rawas136RAWAS.tif Scent Of AutumnMixed media and assemblage on cardboard47 x 44 x 4.5Collection Ms. N. Sakkaf
1751993bk-137The Art of Rawas141RAWAS.tif Spiritual TouchLithography62 x 41.5Exhibited at:– Sursock Museum Salon d’Automne 1993– First Egyptian International Print Triennale, 1993– First International Print Biennale, Maastricht, Holland, 1993– Alexandria Biennale, 1993–1994– Eleventh Norwegian International Print Triennale 1995– Krakow International Print Triennale, Poland 1997
1761967-1968bk-14The Art of Rawas19ARAWAScd.tif SculpturesDimensions vary between 15 to 30Done during the art classes of Munir Eido at the Maqassed SchoolDestroyed during the war in 1982
1771993bk-140The Art of Rawas142RAWAS.tif media and assemblage on cardboard50 x 40 x 2.5Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Gaspard
1781993bk-143The Art of Rawas147RAWAS.tif ChariotLithography and hot press foil14.5 x 9.5Commissioned by Janine Rubeiz Gallery, Beirut
1791994bk-146The Art of Rawas149RAWAS.tif SilverMixed media and assemblage on cardboard60 x 47 x 1Private collection
1801994bk-148The Art of Rawas150RAWAS.tif Great Silver RushMixed media on canvas59 x 50Collection Mr. & Mrs. O. Salhab
1811995bk-149The Art of Rawas153RAWAS.tif Intensive ThingsMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel49 x 49 x 1.5Collection Ms. J. Aswad
1821995bk-151The Art of Rawas155RAWAS.tif ResurrectionMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel28 x 25 x 1Collection Mr. & Mrs. O. Salhab
1831995bk-152The Art of Rawas154RAWAS.tif Me NotMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel34 x 36 x 2Collection Ms. M. Eid
1841995bk-153The Art of Rawas157RAWAS.tif Totem PoleMixed media and assemblage on cardboard40 x 70Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Sweidan
1851995bk-154The Art of Rawas156RAWAS.tif Papillon MécaniqueMixed media, photography and assemblage on plywood panel22 x 22 x 3Collection Mr. H.Mneimneh
1861996bk-155The Art of Rawas159RAWAS.tif CommuterMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel47 x 47 x 2Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Takieddine
1871996bk-156The Art of Rawas158RAWAS.tif SatisfactionMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel60 x 60 x 2Private collection
1881996bk-157The Art of Rawas161RAWAS.tif GesturesMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel57 x 59 x 2Collection Ms. R. Faysal
1891996bk-160The Art of Rawas162RAWAS.tif And TimeMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel22 x 22 x 2Collection Ms. H. Alayli
1901996bk-161The Art of Rawas164RAWAS.tif TrapMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel22 x 22 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Gaspard
1911997bk-164The Art of Rawas169RAWAS.tif PractitionersMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel47 x 47 x 2Collection Dr. R. Selwan
1921997bk-165The Art of Rawas168RAWAS.tif Kite MakerMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel48 x 48 x 2Collection Mr. & Mrs. H. Bsat
1931997bk-166The Art of Rawas171RAWAS.tif Birth Of Tin House VenusMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel30.5 x 30.5 x 3Collection Mr. J. Tarrab
1941997bk-167The Art of Rawas170RAWAS.tif CeremonyLithography and hot press foil12 x 19
1952000bk-171The Art of Rawas175RAWAS.tif Golden Section, Or Homage To Euan UglowOil, Acrylic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel64 x 69 x 3Collection Mrs. M. Merhej al-Amin
1962000bk-176The Art of Rawas180RAWAS.tif PromotionMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel22.5 x 22.5 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Baadarani
1972000bk-177The Art of Rawas183RAWAS.tif Weather WomanMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel49 x 49 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. F. al-Amin
1981974bk-178The Art of Rawas064Img6062CD5.tifThe Garden At The Lebanese University IIFelt pen on paper25 x 27Artist’s collection
1992000bk-179The Art of Rawas185RAWAS.tif Fall Of The Bird Of ParadiseMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel38 x 38 x 3Collection H.E. Mr. & Mrs. R. Hariri
2001971bk-18The Art of Rawas27BRAWAScd.tif Study From A Plaster CastCharcoal on paper65 x 50Artist’s collection
2011974bk-180The Art of Rawas065Img6066CD5.tifThe Garden At The Lebanese University IFelt pen on paper24 x 26Artist’s collection
2022000bk-181The Art of Rawas184RAWAS.tif Bird Of ParadiseMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel38 x 38 x 3Collection H.E. Mr. & Mrs. R. Hariri
2032000bk-182The Art of Rawas187RAWAS.tif media and assemblage on plywood panel38 x 38 x 3Collection H.E. Mr. & Mrs. R. Hariri
2041995bk-184The Art of Rawas3RAWAS.tif Sketch From A Live ModelCharcoal36 x 25Artist’s collectionThe original sketch that triggered The Finale
2052000bk-187The Art of Rawas192RAWAS.tif Windmill OperatorMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel38 x 38 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Baadarani
2062000bk-188The Art of Rawas193RAWAS.tif PollinationMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel25 x 25 x 3Collection Ms. N. Andraos
2071971bk-19The Art of Rawas27ARAWAScd.tif on paper65 x 50Artist’s collection
2081989bk-190The Art of Rawas194RAWAS.tif OfferingsMixed media and transfer on paper66.5 x 49.5
2091989bk-192The Art of Rawas196RAWAS.tif Will Of GodMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel66 x 134 x 4
2102001bk-194The Art of Rawas199RAWAS.tif ShelterEtching, silkscreen and collage16.5 x 21.5
2111985bk-195The Art of Rawas201RAWAS.tif Coming TrueOil and transfer on canvas80 x 96Private collection
2121967bk-2The Art of Rawas11RAWAScd.tif Bekaa ValleyOil on paper50 x 70Lost
2131973bk-20The Art of Rawas26ARAWAScd.tif Of HandsCharcoal on paper30 x 26Artist’s collection
2142000bk-200The Art of Rawas204RAWAS.tif Love SongMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel22.5 x 22.5 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Baadarani
2151995bk-201The Art of RawasImg5490.tif x 29Artist’s collectionThe original sketch that was reproduced in Ode to Marcel Duchamp
2161997bk-203The Art of Rawas206RAWAS.tif HouseOil, Encaustic and Assemblage on Plywood Panel65 x 65 x 2Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Mneimneh
2171997bk-204The Art of Rawas209RAWAS.tif BécanicienneMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel22 x 22 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Chawraba
2181970bk-21The Art of Rawas29BRAWAScd.tif Artist’s Brother In BedCrayon on paper25 x 28Artist’s collection
2191988bk-210The Art of Rawas214RAWAS.tif On The ShoreMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel48 x 42 x 4Private collectionExhibited at the Sursock Museum Salon d’Automne, Beirut, 1988–1989
2201999bk-214The Art of Rawas222Rawas.tif LibraryLithography and hot press foil45 x 50
2211972bk-22The Art of Rawas29ARAWAScd.tif Artist’s Brother; AbedCharcoal on paper33 x 25Artist’s collection
2222003bk-221The Art of Rawas233RAWAS.tif Rebirth Of The Bird Of ParadiseMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel48 x 50 x 3Collection Mr. & Mrs. M. Baadarani
2232004 (Work in progress)bk-222The Art of Rawas235RAWAS.tif Coffee HouseMixed media and assemblage on plywood panel23 x 23 x 3
2241972bk-223The Art of Rawas39BRAWAScd.tif For ‘The Falling Bridge’Oil on paper31.5 x 31.5Artist’s collection
2251977bk-224The Art of Rawas43RAWAScd.tif on paper50 x 60Private collection
2261967-1968bk-225The Art of Rawas18RAWAScd.tif SculpturesDimensions vary between 15 to 30Done during the art classes of Munir Eido at the Maqassed SchoolDestroyed during the war in 1982
2271967-1968bk-226The Art of Rawas19BRAWAScd.tif SculpturesDimensions vary between 15 to 30Done during the art classes of Munir Eido at the Maqassed SchoolDestroyed during the war in 1982
2281967-1968bk-227The Art of Rawas19CRAWAScd.tif SculpturesDimensions vary between 15 to 30Done during the art classes of Munir Eido at the Maqassed SchoolDestroyed during the war in 1982
2291967-1968bk-228The Art of Rawas19DRAWAScd.tif SculpturesDimensions vary between 15 to 30Done during the art classes of Munir Eido at the Maqassed SchoolDestroyed during the war in 1982
2301967-1968bk-229The Art of Rawas19ERAWAScd.tif SculpturesDimensions vary between 15 to 30Done during the art classes of Munir Eido at the Maqassed SchoolDestroyed during the war in 1982
2311974bk-23The Art of Rawas28RAWAScd.tif Artist’S Brother; JawharInk wash on paper44 x 31Artist’s collection
2321973bk-24The Art of Rawas31RAWAScd.tif Book Of LifeEtching32.5 x 24.5
2331974bk-25The Art of Rawas30BRAWAScd.tif Surrealistic CompositionChina ink on paper 35 x 35Artist’s collection
2341973bk-26The Art of Rawas30ARAWAScd.tif Couple In A ParkFelt pen on paper30.5 x 30.5Artist’s collection
2351973bk-27The Art of Rawas33RAWAScd.tif x 25
2361972bk-28The Art of Rawas32ARAWAScd.tif Figure Painting With A CatEtching11.5 x 16.5
2371975bk-29The Art of Rawas32BRAWAScd.tif ILinocut18 x 12.5
2391975bk-30The Art of Rawas32CRAWAScd.tif IILinocut18 x 12.5
2401974bk-31The Art of Rawas35RAWAScd.tif 26Oil on canvas69 x 57Collection Ms. M. Daou
2411973bk-32The Art of Rawas34BRAWAScd.tif and Ink on paper30 x 20Artist’s collection
2421974bk-34The Art of Rawas37ARAWAScd.tif LandscapeOil on canvas65 x 75Artist’s collection
2431973bk-35The Art of Rawas37BRAWAScd.tif Lebanese Mountainous LandscapeOil on canvas60 x 50Artist’s collection
2441974bk-36The Art of Rawas36RAWAScd.tif Painting Studio At The Lebanese UniversityOil on canvas65 x 75Artist’s collection
2451975bk-37The Art of Rawas39ARAWAScd.tif CompositionOil on canvas80 x 80Collection Ms. M. Daou
2461973bk-38The Art of RawasImg6054.tif Scene From Ain Al-Mraisseh Corniche In BeirutChina ink on paper20 x 27Artist’s collection
2471967bk-4The Art of Rawas13RAWAScd.tif HarvestOil on paper50 x 70Lost
2481974bk-40The Art of Rawas41RAWAScd.tif Nudes Playing CardsWatercolor on paper28.5 x 29Collection Ms. M. Daou
2491975bk-41The Art of Rawas42RAWAS.tif Coffee HouseWatercolor on paper47 x 47Collection Mr. & Mrs. G.Mekdashi
2501974bk-42The Art of Rawas40RAWAScd.tif InteriorWatercolor on paper43.5 x 47.5Collection Ms. M. DaouBottom
2511975bk-45The Art of Rawas46BRAWAScd.tif and charcoal on paper mounted on cardboard70 x 100Artist’s collection
2521975bk-46The Art of Rawas46ARAWAScd.tif BleueOil and charcoal on paper mounted on cardboard70 x 100Artist’s collection
2531975bk-47The Art of Rawas47RAWAS.tif Lying Woman In RedOil and pencil on paper mounted on cardboard68.5 x 100Artist’s collection
2541971bk-48The Art of Rawas24Rawas.tif Composition With Three Dancing NudesPencil on paper23 x 23Artist’s collection
2551975bk-49The Art of Rawas49RAWASCD.tif Figures In NatureOil on canvas52 x 42Collection Ms. M. Daou
2561967bk-5The Art of Rawas12RAWAScd.tif Study From A Clay StatuePencil on paper45 x 33Artist’s collection
2571975bk-50The Art of Rawas48RAWAScd.tif and charcoal on canvas100 x 74Collection Ms. M. Daou
2581975bk-51The Art of Rawas50RAWASCD.tif on canvas128 x 91.5Collection Ms. M. Daou
2591975bk-53The Art of Rawas53ARAWASCD.tif IWatercolor and china ink on paper20 x 20Collection Mr. & Mrs. R. Saidi
2601974bk-54The Art of Rawas53BRAWASCD.tif Garden At The Lebanese University IIIFelt pen on paper25 x 29Artist’s collection
2611975bk-56The Art of Rawas53CRAWASCD.tif IIWatercolor and china ink on paper20 x 20Collection Mr. & Mrs. R. Saidi
2621974bk-57The Art of Rawas55BRAWASCD.tif 5Gouache and charcoal on paper44 x 30Artist’s collection
2631974bk-58The Art of Rawas55RAWASCD.tif InteriorGouache and charcoal on paper42 x 38.5Artist’s collection
2641974bk-59The Art of Rawas54RAWASCD.tif 3Gouache and charcoal on paper38 x 40Artist’s collection
2651967bk-6The Art of Rawas15RAWAScd.tif The StreetOil on paper50 x 70Lost
2661975bk-60The Art of Rawas56RAWASCD.tif Seated Woman In WhiteOil and crayon on paper mounted on cardboard120 x 90Artist’s collection
2671975bk-61The Art of Rawas57RAWASCD.tif Nude By A WindowOil and charcoal on colored cardboard100 x 70Artist’s collection
2681975bk-62The Art of Rawas58BRAWASCD.tif on paper18.5 x 16Artist’s collection
2691975bk-63The Art of Rawas58ARAWASCD.tif AzCollage on paper23 x 19Artist’s collection
2711975bk-66The Art of Rawas63RAWASCD.tif Artist Next To ‘Train’*Oil on canvasThis polaroid photograph is the only surviving evidence of the painting, which was destroyed during the war.
2721975bk-67The Art of Rawas62RAWAS.tif For ‘Train’Pastel on paper200 x 250Artist’s collection
2731967bk-7The Art of Rawas14ARAWAScd.tif Study From A Clay StatueCharcoal on paper32 x 39Artist’s collection
2741979bk-70The Art of Rawas66RAWAS.tif SceneWatercolor on paper47 x 56.5Collection Dr. & Mrs. A. Diab
2751976bk-72The Art of Rawas68RAWAS.tif Be Mentioned In Case It Is ImportantGouache and ink on paper70 x 50Artist’s collection
2761978bk-79The Art of Rawas74RAWASCD.tif and china ink on paper63 x 48Artist’s collection
2771972bk-8The Art of Rawas14BRAWAScd.tif Figure Seated On A Low TableCharcoal on paper35 x 26Artist’s collection
2781980bk-83The Art of Rawas82RAWAS.tif ConversationEtching and lithography37.5 x 28
2791981bk-89The Art of Rawas93RAWAS.tif Childhood MomentEtching and gum printing52 x 41
2801982bk-90The Art of Rawas92.tif VisitorEtching5 x 7
2811982bk-91The Art of Rawas95-1.tif GroupGum printing and mixed media on paper41 x 44Private collection
2821982bk-92The Art of Rawas95-2RAWAS.tif WayGum printing and mixed media on paper43 x 40Private collection
2831982bk-95The Art of Rawas97RAWAS.tif and mixed media on paper31.5 x 32Collection Ms. V. Mokbel
2841983bk-97The Art of Rawas98RAWAS.tif PhasesMixed media on paper24.5 x 21.5Collection Mr. & Mrs. A. Gaspard
2851983bk-99The Art of Rawas100RAWAS.tif media and transfer on paper47 x 64Collection Mrs. A. Boulad
2862010cm-13Commentaries 2012a286-A-Midspring-Days-Dream.jpgA Midspring Day’s DreamOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel42.5 x 42.5 x 2
2872009 - 2010cm-14Commentaries 2012a287-A-Midsummer-Days-Dream.jpgA Midsummer Day’s DreamOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel42.5 x 42.5 x 2
2882010cm-15Commentaries 2012a288-A-Midautumn-Days-Dream.jpgA Midautumn Day’s DreamOil, Acrylic, Encaustic, Mixed Media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel42.5 x 42.5 x 2
2892010cm-16Commentaries 2012a289-A-Midwinter-Days-Dream.jpgA Midwinter Day’s DreamOil, Acrylic, Mixed media and Assemblage on Plywood Panel42.5 x 42.5 x 2
2902011cm-3Commentaries 2012a290-The-Downfall-of-the-Regime.jpgThe Downfall of the RegimeOil, acrylic, encaustic, digital print, aluminum, copper, balsa wood, dried papyrus plant, resin and plastic gurines on masonite panel150 x 120 x 8
2912006cm-5Commentaries 2012a291-Boom-Boom.jpgBoom BoomMixed Media and Assemblage on Cardboard26 x 24 x 1.5
2922006cm-6Commentaries 2012a292-They-Are-Burning-Down-My-House.jpgThey Are Burning Down My HouseMixed Media and Assemblage on Cardboard26 x 24 x 1.5
2931997jr2-10Commentaries 2012a293-Controversial-Feelings.jpgControversial FeelingsMixed Media and Assemblage23 x 23
2941997jr2-11Commentaries 2012a294-Artist-and-Self-Portrait.jpgArtist and Self PortraitMixed Media and Assemblage30 x 30
2951996jr2-14Commentaries 2012a295-Botanical-Charm.jpgBotanical CharmMixed Media and Assemblage22 x 22
2961997jr2-4Commentaries 2012a296-LArchitecte-et-son-Assistante.jpgL'Architecte et son AssistanteMixed Media and Assemblage22 x 22cm
2971997jr2-5Commentaries 2012a297-The-Construction-Site.jpgThe Construction SiteMixed Media and Assemblage30 x 30
2981997jr2-7Commentaries 2012a298-Urban-Reflections-II.jpgUrban Reflections IIMixed Media and Assemblage5 5 x 5 5
2991991pf-4Plartform 1991a299-Body-MeasuresBody MeasuresTechniquesm ixtes et assemblages sur contre-plaque87.5 x 75 x 6
3012006rw-11Recent Works 2005-2007a301-Genetically-Modified-Plantation-Episode-Il.jpgGenetically Modified Plantation, Episode IlHuile, acrylique, encaustique et assemblage sur contreplaqué79 x 84 x 3.5
3022006rw-14Recent Works 2005-2007a302-Recreational-Kit.jpgRecreational KitTechniques mixtes et assemblage sur papier collé sur carton26 x 24 x l .5
3032007rw-15Recent Works 2005-2007a303-Unsent-Letter.jpgUnsent LetterHuile, acrylique, encaustique et assemblage sur contreplaqué49 x 59.5 x 2
3042007rw-16Recent Works 2005-2007a304-Latelier.jpgL'atelierHuile, acrylique, décalcomanie et assemblage sur contreplaqué49 x 54 x 3.5
3052007rw-17Recent Works 2005-2007a305-Le-Cauchemar-dune-Future-Maman.jpgLe Cauchemar d'une Future MamanHuile, encaustique et assemblage sur contreplaqué48.5 x 53 x 5
3062007rw-18Recent Works 2005-2007a306-An-Emotional-Syndrome.jpgAn Emotional SyndromeHuile, acrylique, décalcomanie et assemblage sur contreplaqué38 x 38 x 3
3072007rw-19Recent Works 2005-2007a307-Kasumi-Visiting-Christinas-World.jpgKasumi Visiting Christina's WorldHuile, acrylique, sérigraphie, encaustique et assemblage sur contreplaqué88.5 x 88.5 x 5
3082005rw-5Recent Works 2005-2007a308-The-Swimming-Pool.jpgThe Swimming PoolHuile, acrylique et assemblage sur contreplaqué65 x 72 x 2.5
3092006rw-9Recent Works 2005-2007a309-The-Muse-Leaving-The-Artist.jpgThe Muse Leaving The ArtistHuile, acrylique, encaustique et assemblage sur contreplaqué53 x 64 x 3.5